Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Papa Ben. . .

My Dad is almost 79 years old! He's a farmer, so I'm not sure he'll ever retire, and he's always on the go, as if he thinks he's still 30! The older I get, the more I realize how many qualities (or quirks) I received from my dad! Some are good, some are not.
Dad always has something around the house to entertain little kids. Not everything he has is non-hazardous, but his little duck-caller was a hit with Emma!
This is one of my favorite photos ever! I was really surprised at how quickly Emma warmed up to her grandpa. It's been 10 months since they've seen each other, but that didn't seem to matter. She enjoyed playing with the weird stuffed animals around the house as well as some of Dad's collectables (i.e. hot pink and yellow golf balls). She sat on his lap a few times and enjoyed eating lunch while watching him and giggling at him. We're so thankful for the time we had with him!
My dad married Barbara a little over a year after my mom died. She had been widowed for over 17 years when she and Dad got together. I never dreamed my dad would be married to anyone other than my mom, but it also never entered my mind that my mom wouldn't always be around! I just assumed she would be! I'm so thankful that my dad doesn't have to be alone now, especially after spending 48 years married to my mom! He and Barbara have a lot of fun together and they travel all the time! This month they're in Texas and Louisiana and next month they're going to Hawaii! I'm really happy for my dad!