Saturday, September 11, 2010

No Place Like Home!!!

We are officially back home (in Brasil)!! Emma and I left my sister's house in Denver around 11:30am on Wednesday. After a few delayed and canceled flights, we made it to Porto Alegre on Friday morning. We then waited for a bus to take us back to Horizontina. We're happy to say that after 61 hours of travel, we walked into our home at 3:30am this morning!! We are exhausted, happy, and so thankful to be home!!
(Don't feel too bad for us. Our flight out of Dallas was canceled, allowing Emma and I to spend the night with my sister Elise and her family. That was awesome because I hadn't seen her yet while I was in the States. Instead of waiting 24 hours for the next flight, we were able to leave the next morning. However, because that flight was delayed by almost 2 hours, we were late to Sao Paulo, missing our connecting flight to Porto Alegre, which happened to be the last flight out that night. BUT, because I had Emma with me - and a ridiculous amount of luggage - the amazing Brazilian people gave us a voucher to stay at the hotel INSIDE the airport! We slept about 5 hours before we checked in for our flight to Porto Alegre, which had been rescheduled for Friday morning. We were given vouchers for food and drinks and we boarded our flight very happy. I didn't think I could be any more grateful to be in POA. . . until I walked toward the baggage claim. For whatever reason, I squinted to see through the windows to see people who were waiting for passengers. There, right in front of me, stood my husband, with an ornery grin on his face. I started crying. He took us to the hotel where we were able to rest and shower before our bus left at 6pm. I didn't even care at that point whether it took us another day or two to get home. I was just so happy to be with him!!) Anyway, more later. . .