Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pizza Night at Chris'. . .

For the last week we were in the States, Emma and I stayed at my sister Lori's house in Ft. Collins. Lori's daughter Olivia (Livi) is just ten months younger than Emma. The girls had so much fun playing together and Emma learned how to be a little more touchy. Livi loves to give hugs and she gave several of them to Emma while we were there! You'd think she would have learned that by now, especially living in a country where hugging and kissing everyone is so normal! Nope. She's still a little hesitant with her touchiness.

Olivia Brynn

Buddies. . .
Livi isn't at all shy about giving love!!
Lori lives about 10 minutes from my sister Jane and about 20 minutes from my sister Chris. It made visiting other sisters really easy! On Friday night, Jane, Chris, Lori and I all got together at Chris' house. My dad heard there was a party with four of his daughters, so he and his wife drove up to join us. Lori slaved away in the kitchen making homemade pizzas (which were absolutely amazing) and Jane and Chris made desserts that I would have stuffed in my suitcase. . . had I not already stuffed them in my belly!! I can't remember contributing anything to that dinner, come to think of it. I sure helped it disappear, though! It was fun for me to watch Emma play with her cousins and for me to hang out with my sisters. Those moments are so few and far between for me, so that night was good for me.