Sunday, May 15, 2011

Overnight in Manhattan. . .

After a yummy BK lunch, Kevin and I went out to Sharon's house again and ate more birthday cake. We spent a few hours hanging out with her family and then went back to my dad's house. Last minute, we decided to pack up and head toward Iowa. Barbara made tacos and we ate dinner with her and Dad and then we drove to Manhattan to stay with my brother. We didn't get in until after midnight and we left twelve hours later! The girls got to play, though, and Kevin and I were surprised when an old college friend stopped by my brother's house! She was surprised, too, when we opened the door! Wish we could have spent more time with Erika! The visit with Ben and Kristin was short and sweet, but personal and good.
Jaiya and Emma Jae (6 months apart in age)
My younger brother (by 12 months and 13 days). Always, always, always good to see him!!