Sunday, May 15, 2011

Through Omaha. . .

We took the long way to Ottumwa because we wanted to visit some friends in Omaha. Two families who lived in Ottumwa when we did now live there. Our first stop was the Jesina home. Tony wasn't around, but LeAnn and the kids were. We chatted for an hour and then I went with LeAnn to take her dog to the vet. That was kind of a big deal for me - I've never been to a vet before! We had animals when I was growing up, but my parents had quite a few mouths to feed and probably didn't think it was wise to spend money on a vet! Going with LeAnn felt like a field trip! I had an interesting conversation with the vet, who happens to be a K-State grad. I was a phlebotomist for several years but I had never seen anyone take blood from an animal. It was crazy!
When we got back to her house, we said our goodbyes and drove down the road a few miles to a park. My friend Karla met us there with her family. She knows me so well and came prepared with a perfect supper!! We ate and then played on the playground until it was time to get on the road again. It felt like such a normal playdate! Emma ran around with Leah and Blake while the adults talked. I was disappointed that our time together was so short, but I'm thankful we got to have that time!!
We had so much fun and I completely forgot to take pictures! Kevin took a few, but we didn't get any good ones of me with my friend! Next time. . .