Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My 34th. . .

My birthday. . . lunch at my favorite place! Kevin had an odd schedule that week, so he was working nights. He came home and slept a few hours and then was able to take me to lunch!
I had heard about a new chocolate store in LeClaire, so we quickly drove over there and purchased some ridiculously-priced chocolate. I didn't hold back and sampled pretty much everything that afternoon! The Shameless Chocoholic didn't disappoint!
Just being in their store was fun for me. I enjoyed the colors and smells and sights! I felt like a kid in a . . . ok, ok, you get it.
I really enjoyed my birthday. It was a Tuesday and Emma had Awana that night. Kevin stayed home with Adri and after I dropped Emma off at church, I met a few friends at the Mexican restaurant around the corner. Eating Mexican food twice in one day is quite a gift for me:)
The weather was awesome on my birthday and I just felt very thankful. My 33rd year was full and challenging, but incredibly good and it just kept getting better. I'm looking forward to what 34 has in store!! 

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh Chipotle how I love you! We managed to find one over Christmas break during our travels and it was heaven! Sounds like a great birthday to me!